We are constantly progressing in development and have now launched yet another update. Some things haven't had time to be included, but will come in a big update later this year. Here we will share what we have been working on leading up to the update for February 2022.
Access control
One of the big news is access control. We've made it easy to customize better access control with access groups. All functionality for additional access control is opt-in, so if you do not want more control, there is nothing you need to deal with. In the groups, you can give access to entire modules or delve into individual functions under each module.
With drag and drop functionality, you can easily add employees to one or more groups. An access group can, for example, be for a role or position in the company.
Click here to get started and create access groups.
Attachments can now be sent for approval if you activate attestation in Catacloud. You can choose one or more people to approve the voucher before it is posted. Those who certify can enter a message and possibly forward if they think someone else should look at the document. The function can be activated under the module settings for Accounting in Administration. We will learn from this first version and make it better going forward.
Time keeping module
We have given our time keeping module a boost, although there is much we would like to work on here. You now have an overview of the employees' hours and can click in and view the timeline of an individual employee. Here we have added differences so that the standard member role does not have access to other people's hours, but only its own timeline with hours. Approval of hours can also be done to generate invoice basis and lock hours for changes. The invoice basis can be found in the invoice module and can easily be sent as an invoice, with or without consolidation and details.
Login and extensions
Another novelty in this update is that we have separated login to a new Catacloud identity server which supports, among other things, login with Google and Microsoft accounts, as well as OIDC (Open ID Connect) and oAuth2 standards for login from integrations and external services. This makes us ready for the extensions we have planned so that others can create their own modules and integrations available with login and data from Catacloud.
Along with these preparations, we are also preparing a developer page here:
Through this page you can read API documentation and create modules and integrations. Once you have created a module or integration, you get access to API keys and can start using Catacloud data. We want to make it easy and quick to get started with Catacloud integrated applications, while at the same time we have a lot of focus on security. Published modules and integrations can be found in the new module named «Modules and integrations«.
Support for new VAT assignment
We have received the creation and display of a new VAT statement. There is still a bit to do before we have automatic submission of the VAT statement, but you can download the VAT statement as an XML file for import at the Swedish Tax Agency. The new VAT task is to be found in the same place as the old one, it will adapt according to the period selected. If you are going to submit the new VAT statement, this can be done here until we have automatic submission:
Various small changes
Here's a (partially complete) list of other things we've fixed:
- Various preparations for bank integration
- Various improvements to the user interface (lists etc.)
- Fixed some bugs with tags
- Added several file handling improvements
- Action log improvements
- Improvements to mobile viewing
- Improved company creation wizard
- Print-friendly version of Catacloud on reports etc.
The journey continues
If you have any thoughts or wishes for development or improvements, just contact support. We receive and evaluate several requests a week and want to have you involved in being able to offer the best system for accounting and ERP. It may be what you want is something we have on the plan pretty soon, but if there is something special you have discovered or thought out, we are especially interested in hearing from you!