Now in March we have launched a new major update of Catacloud with many exciting features. We also want to get to know you better as a user and would very much like to have an even closer dialogue with you! Below you can see a little about what we have been doing lately. ?
Closing of open records
We also launched an easy way to close open records. Now you will get more order and overview by filtering out open items, both in ledgers and balance sheets.

Project module
One of the great things about this update is the projects and tasks that come in our simplified project module. You can activate this functionality completely free of charge during administration.

Time registration
Easy timekeeping, either on customer or on project. You can easily get a full overview of how the progress is on a project or with an employee. We work with integrations and several ways to process the data.
Support has now been added for departments that can be added during administration. When you keep a voucher or send an invoice, you can choose which department it applies to.
Universal search
You have probably searched a voucher or an invoice, and with this update there will be a lot of other things to look for, so we have received a search where you can easily look up and get straight to one voucher, assignment or something else you were looking for . Always available.

New design and website
We have made some changes to our style and logo that you will see more of in the future in the system as well. Log in to see the changes in the system.