Product updates

Here is a small overview of what is launched from month to month

November 2024

  • Attachment interpreter improved: minor bugs fixed for better precision in interpretations.
  • Bank reconciliation: Now documents that are subject to reconciliation can be edited more easily.
  • SAF-T export: Improved processes and removed minor errors that occurred for some customers with SAF-T export
  • Bank payments: Improvements made to optimize against integrations
  • Bank payments: Optimized frequency of feedback for bank payments

October 2024

  • Improved export of suppliers and customers - now includes information about active and inactive suppliers and customers. This gives you a more detailed overview and easier administration of relationships in the accounts.
  • More precise password management: We've improved the precision of password validation, so that password requirements are met without confusing alerts. (NB: there has been no security risk associated with this, only a minor error for some customers who experienced challenges in creating new passwords).
  • Optimized processing of certified documents: When an employee who has certified vouchers leaves, we now ensure that the vouchers remain intact in the system. The voucher history is now preserved without problems, regardless of changes in staffing.
  • More accurate bank reconciliation: We have fine-tuned the bank reconciliation to remove unnecessary differences in the reconciliation picture. This provides an even more reliable overview and a seamless reconciliation process.

September 2024

  • New and improved banking interface

We have made a comprehensive upgrade of the user interface in the banking module! Approvals and payments are now more intuitive, with clearer functions for attestation. This gives you a simpler overview and a smoother experience.

  • Holidays and absences in the Timekeeping module

The overview of holidays and absences in the Timekeeping module has now been improved, so that you can keep track of absences in a more clear and efficient way.

August 2024

  • Optimized handling of attestations: Receipt of documents improved in the backend system, which simplifies the approval process.
  • Improved EHF interpretation for credit amounts: Upgrade for increased precision when calculating money for good.
  • Efficient storage of credit memos in EHF: Credit notes can now be stored seamlessly, which makes for a more flexible workflow.
  • Improved validation of supplier info in EHF: The form now warns about missing supplier information, so that incomplete supplier accounts are not created.

May 2024

Optimized Invoicing and Accounting

  • Date filter for invoice basis: Improved filtering that now works seamlessly.
  • Auto search of customer name: More user-friendly and efficient auto search function.
  • Supplier selection when creating vouchers: Easier and more accurate selection of suppliers.
  • Validation of voucher lines: The system now validates whether the voucher lines agree with the total amount.

Improved EHF and Bank integration

  • General improvements for EHF: Increased reliability and efficiency in EHF invoicing.
  • Performance updates for bank payments: Faster and more transparent handling of bank payments.
  • Administration of bank accounts: Administrators can now manage consents, also of others.

Better user experience and mobile functionality

  • Longpress function on mobile: Fully functional and improved right-click menu (hold your finger to bring up the menu).
  • Improved navigation on mobile: Optimized for a more intuitive experience.
  • Preview of invoices on mobile: Improved display and usability on mobile.

Streamlining of accounting and record keeping

  • Registration of payments on vouchers: The system now creates a new voucher for payments, provides better control and easier reversal of payments.
  • Due date column in reports: New column for a better overview of payment deadlines.
  • Registration of KID payments with interest and fees: Accurate recording of full or partial payments including interest and fees.

March 2024

Invoice and closing:

  • Changed structure for handling closure. We have added options for "Record Paid Fees" and "Remove Fees". This provides better functionality for invoicing and payment of fees (e.g. early payment fees and interest).
  • It has happened that closing does not work for fast accounting or posting of difference manually due to small decimals in the calculations, for example (0.0001). This has now been fixed.
  • We have improved logging for postings and closings, so that such actions and who performed them are now visible. However, it does not provide detailed information yet, but we are working on expanding and improving this functionality.
  • Payments via KID: Automatic registration of paid invoices when including interest and fees.
  • Registration of vouchers: Automatic creation of a payment voucher when marked as paid.
  • Ledger:
    • New filtering options for better searches.
    • Filter terms and search terms must be completed and actively searched before the search begins; auto search when typing in the search field started led to slowness, which has now been reduced with the new solution.
  • Tutorial videos: We have increased the production of new tutorial videos for efficient use of Catacloud. You can find these in our help center, and on spring YouTube channel.

February 2024

New filters for reporting

  • We have introduced new filters for reporting, which gives you more opportunities to compare results with the fjord year in more ways than before.
  • Improved export functionality for PDF and Excel files.

January 2024

New year, new updates! Here are some highlights from the first few weeks of 2024.

  • Fine-tuning of salary arrears (the one-to-many functionality is now improved)
  • Improved functionality for advanced vouchers and automatic completions.
  • Improved handling of SAF-T files, which effectively removes file size limitations.
  • Improved accuracy related to ear rounding.
  • Refinement of salary payments.

In the first half of 2024, we will also focus on the following:

Reporting functionality: We are working on launching extended reporting functionality, including comparison with last year. 

Banking functionality: We are working to improve the banking functionality. There are a number of challenges that are currently beyond our control, but we are determined to find solutions that will provide stable and efficient banking functionality in Catacloud. 

In all of this, our main focus remains simple: To make everyday life for accountants easier and more efficient. 

November 2023

ATTENTION! We are currently working on some changes to the backend system that deals with login. This will not have major impacts to begin with, but it will make it possible for us to eventually implement, among other things, two-factor authentication for logging into Catacloud. 

This change will cause some downtime in the system 29.11 at 18:00.

If you experience errors in the system after this, the solution will be to log out and back in. If you still experience errors, you must contact our customer service via chat or phone 960 03 377.


  • You can now set the invoice date back in time.
  • Automatic translation of chart of accounts based on country.
  • Added ability to link a custom account to an account from public chart of accounts.
  • Added function to link proportional VAT to a given account.
  • Added option to set account as inactive. An inactive account can no longer be entered against, but will appear in reports if it has been used previously. An inactive account can be reactivated.
  • The possibility of using an account when maintaining supplier invoices
  • Possibility to choose whether an account should be displayed as open entries in the general ledger (can be useful for accounts that cannot be closed)
  • Option to define whether an account should require a project, a department or a dimension to be used.
  • Functionality to add a standard dimension against which leads on a given account are always led.
  • Added the possibility that administrators can also withdraw attestations.