We have made a list of some tips for you that will save you money on accounting. Even if you do not do the accounting yourself, it is possible to save a lot of money with a few simple steps. Whether you are a business owner or just thinking of starting something, these are simple points that your accountant may take for granted.
5 tips on how to save money on accounting
1. Be early with vouchers
Always be early to deliver vouchers to the accountant or upload the vouchers into your accounting programme. One of the things accountants spend the most time on is getting hold of and keeping documents in order. By making sure that all bills, receipts and other documents are sent to the accountant, you can save the accountant a lot of time, which often gives you a cheaper price.
Most accounting programs create a separate e-mail address for your company, where you can send documents as attachments by e-mail. You can, for example, put this into the copier if you have one, so you can easily scan vouchers directly into the accounting program. Having a little extra order in the papers and capturing invoices that arrive by e-mail can do a lot for your cooperation with the accountant. If you cannot get all documents scanned, you should keep them together in one place.
If you ask your suppliers to send invoices by EHF instead of by e-mail or post, you save your accountant additional time. With EHF, the invoice is sent directly into the accounting program, almost completely filled out. EHF may cost a little extra, but is usually worth it with the time saved on accounting, whether it is your own time or the accountant's time. Read more about EHF here.
2. Collaboration with the accountant
It is important that you have an accountant you trust. The accountant is someone you pay to help you with the accounts and good cooperation is important for the accountant to do a good job. If you do not have a complete overview, or have open debt collection cases, you are better served if the accountant is aware of this. Then the accountant can help you make good decisions, and you avoid other surprises that contribute to a lot of correction work afterwards.
If you are looking for a new accountant, we will be happy to help you with that. All you have to do is get in touch in the chat or fill in the form contact us since.
Invoice yourself
Invoicing customers is something you can do yourself and is easy in most accounting software. If you are unsure, it may be a good idea to check with an accountant when VAT codes and accounts are selected. As a rule, this is something that is only set up once, so that you can invoice without thinking about how this is entered in the accounting program each time. It is important to have good communication with the accountant and clarify what it is advisable for you to do yourself, and what you should put away.
4. Distinguish between private and business
One of the big headaches accountants often have to deal with is companies that mix private and business finances. It can be tempting to only use the same bank account when you start a sole proprietorship for the first time. Many also post privately for the company, which in turn creates extra work with accounting. Have a separate business account and stick to it. It then becomes much easier for the accountant to look over the account statement and see if there are any vouchers that have been forgotten or are missing. Use the company card when it is business-related and the private card when it is private, then the account statement will be in order.
5. Change accounting system
You can also save a lot of money by switching accounting programs. Some accounting programs have many hidden costs where you can quickly get much higher bills than expected. In Catacloud, we have a simple and predictable pricing model. We are happy to help you switch to us, either with or without an accountant. If you want to test out Catacloud, you can easily do so by create a user here.