For those of you who run a student company, student company or youth company, we want to support with good tools for finance and business management.
When you start a company, there are many things to familiarize yourself with and get to know. We want the path into financial management and corporate governance to be no more difficult than it needs to be. That is why we want to give a special offer to all students, pupils or youth businesses.
We are passionate about you getting access to good systems to work with, which contribute to a sense of mastery and a good understanding of accounting and business management. This helps you and your team to focus on value creation and the core business.
Once you have created the company in Catacloud, you can apply for the student package here by filling out the form below.
For student/apprentice/youth companies and line associations
No time restraint
* NOK 100 per piece from 01.01.2024
Applies throughout the life of the student company. Also applies to test clients in training situations, both by and with students and teachers, as well as teaching situations.
Non-commercial activity or purpose.
Cataloud can reject the application for the Student package without further requirements for reasons